In order for us to ensure the best gameplay experience for every single one of the players present within JartexNetwork, we have worked on a specific set of rules that allow us to achieve this goal. By following these rules you are not only allowing the others to enjoy their free time and experience within our Network, but you are also preventing your account's access to the Network to be limited in-case you break any rules unintentionally. We will share some of the specific rules we've setup for creative below:
Usually, you would only give build permissions to those players who you trust. Although, this is not always the case, given how we have received reports of players destroying someone else's plot, or building inappropriate structures in order to get the plot owner punished. This is why if you destroy someone else's plot and/or build any inappropriate structures within it, the plot's owner will be able to submit a report against you due to these actions, and your account's access to the Network will be limited.
Often times, we've faced the issue of having players build lag machines within their plots. The lag machines are any form of mechanisms that are built with the purpose of creating massive performance issues on the server. This is why we surely do not take this issue slightly, as we want to ensure no one's gameplay experience is hurt by the actions of others.
Whilst this is a global rule, we'd like to highlight the importance of following it. If you were to encounter any bugs within creative, we highly encourage you to submit a Bug Report. Failing to submit a bug report puts not only the other's gameplay experience in danger, but your own's as well, which is why it is important for you to report these issues.
NOTE: If you encounter a player breaking the rules, we encourage you to submit a report against them.